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Don't Limit Yourself!

Control. Restrict. Regulate. Confine. These are just a few of the terms that describes what happens when we place limits on our lives. As women over 50, we have become expert on limitations. We have limited ourselves for so many years that we don’t even recognize it when we are restricting ourselves from living our BEST life.

Being over 50 is a time to flourish. It’s a time to take that deep, deep breath and say, “I did it!” But many of us do the total opposite, we impose limitations and literally sabotage the life we were meant to live after 50.

Many times the limits we place on ourselves come from our childhood – the things we believed about ourselves as children. Yes, even at 50Something, we hold on the stuff from our childhood that has never served us well. If we were told over and over that we were less than smart, we find ourselves going back to that feeling no matter how many successes we have had. Anytime we are faced with something new, something that will stretch beyond where we currently are, we revert to the little girl who is incapable of accomplishing anything. Even though, that is not a fact, it is not real and it certainly does not described the woman you have become.

Whatever is limiting you, know that there are many things you can do to overcome the limitation. In this blog, I am sharing 3 concepts that will help you jumpstart your life and begin living your dream. Here are the 3 concepts:

Be fearless – Fear is the number one limiter. We fear working hard, making a commitment, or getting out of our comfort zone. When you face fear with massive ACTION, you can move passed it and achieve whatever goal you are trying to reach. Recognize your fear. Look it straight in the face and say, NO THANKS! Begin to take action, and the fear w

ill be defeated.

Get in touch with what motivates you – When we are passionate or motivated to do something, we are most likely to not let anything get in the way of achieving it. Lack of motivation can limit you from doing many things so it is imperative that you take some time to truly get in touch with those things that you are passionate about. Your passion will be the motivation you need to be successful in any endeavor.

Get an accountability partner – It is amazing how having someone else cheerleading you to the finish line, makes you run faster, jump higher, make the winning shot, throw the winning touchdown… Get a cheerleader! Find a positive and direct person that will hold you accountable for what you are out to achieve.

Finally, be aware of what’s going on around you. If things that you are trying to accomplish just don’t seem to be coming together, do an assessment of what may be limiting you.

If you are still struggling with getting “unstuck”, let’s chat. Schedule a complimentary strategy call by going to

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50Something Lifestyle is a resource for women over 50 who are transitioning in their life financially, personally and spiritually. We provide one-on-one and group coaching as well as training opportunities to help you live your BEST life now.

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