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Are You too Old to Start a Business?

I speak to many women over 50 who are questioning whether they are too old to start a business? They wonder if they should invest the money and time or just quietly slip into retirement. There are days I wonder if I should just give it up (at 63) and be thankful for the 30+ years I’ve been blessed to work for myself.

Whenever I question whether or not I’m too old, I find myself coming to the same conclusion. Heck No!!

I’m at the prime of my life. I am smarter, wiser, more stable and definitely freer than I’ve ever been and if I was just getting started in business, this would be the BEST time to do it.

According to an AARP report, in 2018 businesses started by people over 50 is surging having increased 50% since 2007. The reason for this surge is because of forced retirement and layoffs of workers over 50. Companies are replacing older workers with younger ones to save money on salaries and on healthcare costs. I know several women in their 60's who found themselves being laid off after 20 to 30 years of dedicated service to their companies. They were handed a big fat pink slip in response to this dedication.

But, there is good news. Women over 50 are fighting back. They are fighting back by claiming their independence (both financially and personally) and being their own bosses. They are starting network marketing businesses, consultancy utilizing the skills they learned in the workplace, catering and event planning businesses, concierge companies… You name it. Women over 50 are not settling for retirement. They are surging toward business ownership.

If you are questioning whether you are too old to start your business. Look around at the people who are in business. You will see that many of them look just like you. They are having fun building their own financial independence. They are networking with each other, attending conferences and workshops and living out their dreams.

I recommend that you seriously look into a business you can start and join us (we entrepreneurs) as we live our BEST lives right now!

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50Something Lifestyle is a resource for women over 50 who are transitioning in their life financially, personally and spiritually. We provide one-on-one and group coaching as well as training opportunities to help you live your BEST life now.

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